August 2024

Empowering Mobile Apps: Harnessing React Native Expo with Firebase Integration

Enhanced app performance and user engagement by seamlessly integrating React Native Expo with Firebase, delivering real-time updates and robust backend


React Native + Firebase Integration



Empowering Mobile Apps: Harnessing React Native Expo with Firebase Integration

Project Overview

React Native Expo is a framework that simplifies our process of developing, building, and deploying React Native applications. It provides a set of tools and services that abstract away much of the complexity associated with native app development, allowing us to focus on writing code. Firebase, on the other hand, is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that offers a wide range of services such as authentication, database, storage, and more, making it easier to develop and scale applications.

One of the key reasons of why we choose to use React Native Expo is it’s ability to create cross-platform applications. This means that a single codebase can be used to develop applications for both iOS and Android platforms, significantly reducing development time and costs.

Why the react native expo doesn’t work without firebase

In the modern app development landscape, backend services are essential for providing a seamless user experience. They handle tasks such as user authentication, data storage, and real-time data synchronization, which are crucial for applications that need to interact with users, store user data, and provide personalized content. Without these backend services, applications can become static and limited in their functionality.

Why integrating Firebase with React Native Expo makes it more valuable?

We choose to use Firebase, as a Backend-as-a-Service, because it offers a wide range of services that are essential for modern applications which are listed below:

  • Authentication: Firebase provides a comprehensive suite of authentication options, including email and password, social media logins, and phone number authentication. This makes it easier to implement secure user authentication in React Native Expo applications.
  • Database: Firebase offers two cloud-hosted NoSQL databases: Cloud Firestore and the Realtime Database. These databases allow developers to store and sync data in real-time, making it easier to build dynamic applications that can handle user data efficiently.
  • Storage: Firebase Storage provides a powerful, simple, and cost-effective solution for storing and serving user-generated content, such as photos and videos. This is crucial for applications that need to handle media files.
  • Cloud Functions: Firebase Cloud Functions allow developers to run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. This enables the creation of complex server-side logic without managing a server.

The Challenge of  React Native Expo Without Firebase

Without Firebase, using React Native Expo would require us to rely on other solutions for backend services, which can be more complex and time-consuming to set up and integrate. This includes setting up and managing servers, databases, and other backend infrastructure, which can be a significant overhead, especially for smaller teams or individual developers.

Moreover, without Firebase, we would need to implement our own solutions for user authentication, data storage, and real-time data synchronization, which can lead to increased development time, potential security vulnerabilities, and a less scalable solution.

Approach Workflow

Web + Mobile Implementation

React Native Expo Setup

Set Up Your React Native Expo Project

Note: We have options to either set up application on a emulator or a physical device, for this project we are using emulators (Android Studio for android app and xcode for iOS).

1. Use the Expo CLI to create a new project.

2.Kickstart your project to confirm proper setup.

Firebase Web SDK Setup Process

Below are the steps we can use to get started setting up Firebase Web SDK with React Native Expo.  This setup is particularly useful when you want to leverage Firebase services in a project that also targets web platforms. Here’s a step by step guide to achieve this.

Step 1 → Add Firebase to Your Project

Install the Firebase package in your project.

2. Create a Firebase Project by navigating to the    Firebase Console,  and then sign in with your Google account, and create a new Firebase project.

3. In order to add Firebase to Your Web App, navigate to the Firebase Console, click on the web icon to add Firebase to your web app. You'll be provided with a Firebase configuration object.

4. Initialise Firebase in Your Project by creating a new file in the project (e.g., firebase.js) and initialize Firebase using the configuration object you obtained.

Step 2 → Use Firebase Services in Your Project

Now that Firebase is set up, you can start using it’s services in your React Native Expo project. Here's an example of how to use Firebase Authentication:

1. Import the Firebase instance you created in the previous step.

2. Use Firebase Authentication: Here's a simple example of signing in a user with email and password. ( Also make sure to enable Email / Password Authentication in Firebase )

Step 3 → Run Your Project

With Firebase integrated, you can now run your project on both iOS and Android platforms, as well as in the web browser.

React Native Firebase Setup Process ( For Mobile Only )

Step 1 → Install React Native Firebase

First, you need to install the core package and any other Firebase services you plan to use (e.g., Firestore, Authentication).

Step 2 → Create a Firebase Project

1. Go to the [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com/).

2. Click on "Add project" and follow the prompts to create a new Firebase project.

Step 3 → Register Your App with Firebase

For Android:

1. In the Firebase Console, click on the Android icon to add a new Android app to your project.

2. Enter your app's package name (e.g., `com.example.myapp`). “*You will get it from your app.json file*”.

3. Download the `google-services.json` file and place it in your project's `root` directory.

For iOS:

1. In the Firebase Console, click on the iOS icon to add a new iOS app to your project.

2. Enter your app's bundle ID (e.g., `com.example.myapp`). “*You will get it from your app.json file*”.

3. Download the `GoogleService-Info.plist` file and place it in your project's `root` directory.

Step 4 → Expo Prerequisite

Install Expo dependences

The following is an example app.json to enable the React Native Firebase modules App and Auth.

Step 5 → In this example we will use Email/Password Authentication

Ensure the "Email/Password" sign-in provider is enabled on the [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com/project/_/authentication/providers).

The createUserWithEmailAndPassword performs two operations; first creating the user if they do not already exist, and then signing them in.

Step 6 → Run the project

With Firebase integrated, you can now run your project on both iOS and Android platforms.

Firebase Web SDK vs. React Native Firebase SDK

The Firebase Web SDK is designed for web applications and provides a set of tools and libraries for web development. However, when it comes to mobile app development, the React Native SDK offers a more native-like experience. The React Native SDK is specifically designed for mobile platforms and provides a more seamless integration with Firebase services.

Overcoming Web SDK Problems

React Native Firebase addresses numerous constraints present in the Firebase Web SDK for us.

  • Performance: The React Native SDK is optimised for mobile platforms, offering better performance compared to the Web SDK.
  • Offline Support: The SDK provides robust offline support, ensuring that the app remains functional even without an internet connection.
  • Native Features: It enables access to native device functionalities like camera usage and push notifications, features unavailable in the Web SDK.

Shortcomings of React Native Firebase SDK

Despite it’s advantages, the React Native Firebase SDK has some limitations:

  • Complex Setup: Setting up Firebase with React Native Expo can be complex, especially for beginners.
  • Documentation: While improving, the documentation for React Native Firebase can be less comprehensive compared to the Firebase Web SDK.
  • Dependency Issues: There can be dependency issues, especially when integrating with other libraries or when upgrading to newer versions of React Native Expo.


React Native for Firebase presents a robust option for developers aiming to construct cross-platform mobile apps using Firebase. It delivers a more native feel and addresses the constraints of the Firebase Web SDK, streamlining development. Yet, it's crucial to acknowledge its intricacies and possible dependency challenges. Through meticulous planning, React Native for Firebase has the potential to revolutionise mobile app creation.


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