US Based Startup
August 2024

Enhancing Click Campaign Analytics: Web and API Development for a US-Based Startup

We developed a custom tracking platform for a US-based startup to enhance click campaign analytics, enabling accurate data tracking and reporting.


Web Development


Web and Mobile

Enhancing Click Campaign Analytics: Web and API Development for a US-Based Startup


Running a click campaign for web offers can be daunting when relying solely on ad platforms' capabilities for analytics and billing. A US-based startup partnered with us to build a custom tracker that sits between the ad platform and the web property. This platform tracks all clicks and associated data, offering email and Google Sheets reporting for data snapshots based on specific time ranges and frequencies. Later, the platform was extended to capture screen recordings, further enhancing its functionality and value.

Technologies used:

React.js,, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Google Sheet API, Github Actions


Company Background:

The client is a US-based startup specialising in digital advertising and marketing campaigns. They focus on optimizing web offers and click campaigns, relying on accurate data tracking and reporting to improve campaign effectiveness and transparency.

Client Challenges:

Before engaging with us, the client faced several challenges:

  • Variable Data Parameters: Different platforms pass variable data as query parameters, complicating the tracking process.
  • Data Sharing Needs: The client needed a solution to share click data, including timestamps, with third parties such as ad platform representatives and publishers.
  • Adaptation and Reporting: Adapting to varying data across clicks for a single web property and sharing that data in emails and reporting sheets was a significant challenge.

Project Objectives

Goals and Objectives:

  • Develop a custom tracker to accurately capture and report click data.
  • Facilitate easy sharing of this data with third parties.
  • Extend the platform to include screen recording capabilities.

Scope of Work:

  • Build an admin system to create tracker links for redirecting clicks.
  • Develop a frontend in React and a backend in Node.js and Express.
  • Implement Google Sheets integration for reporting.
  • Facilitate screen recording by manipulating the DOM and injecting scripts.

Approach and Solution


We employed an Agile development approach, focusing on iterative progress, constant feedback, and flexibility to adapt to changes.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: React
  • Backend: Node.js, Express
  • Reporting: Google Sheets
  • Project Management: Jira
  • Communication: Slack
  • Additional Tools: DOM manipulation for screen recording scripts

Development Process:

  1. Initial Planning: Conducted planning sessions to understand the client's requirements and challenges.
  2. Admin System Development: Created a system to generate tracker links that redirect clicks from ad platforms to the web property.
  3. Frontend and Backend Development: Developed the admin frontend using React and the backend using Node.js and Express.
  4. Google Sheets Integration: Enabled the creation and updating of Google Sheets through the tracker link creation process, facilitating easy sharing with external parties.
  5. Screen Recording Implementation: Implemented DOM manipulation to deploy screen recording scripts on the client's web property.

Customisation and Innovation:

  • Customised the tracker to handle variable data parameters from different ad platforms.
  • Integrated email and Google Sheets reporting to provide snapshots of data over specified time ranges.
  • Extended the platform’s functionality to include screen recording for enhanced tracking and verification.



The deployment process was executed in stages to ensure a seamless launch. The platform was integrated with the client’s existing systems and thoroughly tested for reliability and performance.


Extensive testing strategies, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, were implemented to ensure the quality and accuracy of the platform.

Training and Support:

Provided comprehensive training to the client’s team on using the new platform. Ongoing support was offered post-deployment to address any issues and ensure smooth operation.

Results and Impact

Quantitative Results:

  • Achieved accurate data tracking, enabling reliable comparison with invoiced click data.
  • Improved compliance and transparency between the client and third parties.

Qualitative Results:

  • Positive feedback from the client and stakeholders on the platform’s ease of use and reliability.
  • Enhanced ability to negotiate with visual proof per click, improving overall campaign effectiveness.


Before the implementation, the client struggled with variable data tracking and reporting challenges. Post-implementation, the platform provided accurate tracking, seamless data sharing, and enhanced reporting capabilities, significantly improving campaign management and transparency.


The partnership with the US-based startup successfully addressed their click campaign challenges through the development of a custom tracking platform. The platform’s robust design, strategic integrations, and innovative features resulted in accurate data tracking, improved transparency, and enhanced campaign management.

If you’re looking to optimise your digital campaigns with innovative tracking solutions,   contact us today.


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