August 2024

Revolutionising Sports Coaching: Streamlined Communication and Organization with a Dedicated App

Enhance athlete-coach connectivity and organisation through our app, delivering personalised updates and plans.





Revolutionising Sports Coaching: Streamlined Communication and Organization with a Dedicated App

Project Overview

In the fast-paced world of sports, where every second counts and every decision matters, athletes and coaches often find themselves facing a common challenge: staying connected and organised amidst the chaos of training, competitions, and daily life.

A typical coach now a days, uses a messenger ( like WhatsApp or others) to create groups of athletes and accepts payments by cash / digital ( UPI / others ) modes. This is very tricky way of running a coaching business for coaches who deal with a large set of athletes under them. For the athletes, its either information overload or a hassle to find what they are looking for in a setup arranged by the coach and often gets frustrating.

Imagine being able to send and receive important updates, announcements, and personalised diet plans directly through an app, keeping you informed and prepared for every single day. No more missed messages or overlooked details— That’s where Coaching app ensures that you're always in the loop and ready to train at your best.

Approach Workflow

We started with  Research phase, conducting interviews with both coaches and trainees to identify pain points and challenges. Through this process, we analysed the following pain points:

  • Coaches often struggle to keep track of trainee payment, leading to confusion and potential financial losses.
  • Coaches currently rely on multiple platforms like WhatsApp, Email, and Digital Payment apps which are overwhelming to manage.
  • Sharing media across various groups can be a repetitive task and also leads to partial exposure on group participants ( athletes ).

The ultimate vision for the coaching app serves to

  • Make it effortless for coaches to share media across athlete groups.
  • Features like real time messaging, voice notes and video calls to facilitate  communication.
  • Automated Payment tracking system to enables coaches easily manage and track payments.

In the  Define phase we identified our User persona(s) and Empathy map. It was validated that for Coaches it’s important

  • To keep track of their Payments.
    • Having a dedicated app for solving the payment tracking issues
  • To features for sharing resources and announcement to the trainees was the solution.

After analysis, we then move forward to the  Ideate phase. In this phase we brainstormed ideas on how to design the app so we put together information architecture and user flow to came a  Design conclusion.

The app will have 4 main navigation menu

  • Home
  • Athletes
  • Payment
  • Profile.

Design - Mobile Application

Splash screen

  • Alright, imagine this:
    • You're a coach ready to take your athletes to a great digital coaching experience.
    • With Coaching app, you start with a splash screen, welcoming you with a catchy slogan.
    • Once you hit "Get Started," it's all about registration and login via phone number and OTP verification—easy and secure.
Design Psychology
  1. Affective Heuristic: The catchy slogan on the splash screen appeals to users' emotions, creating a positive first impression and setting the tone for their interaction with the app.
  2. Visual Anchors: The "Get Started" button serves as a visual anchor, drawing user’s attention and guiding them towards the next step in the onboarding process.

Registration screen

  • For coaches, the registration process is streamlined into a single step, aimed at minimizing cognitive load by requiring only a phone number and OTP verification. This simplification reduces the mental effort needed to complete the task.
  • In contrast, for athletes, the registration form spans two steps. Here, the design psychology employed is the Goal-Gradient Effect, which motivates users to proceed with the registration process by displaying completed and remaining steps.

Home Screen

  • On the home screen for coaches, you have access to your library of creations and a convenient list of athletes with pending payments.
  • Tapping into the athletes section, you'll discover individual profiles and a community space.
  • Conversely, on the home screen for athletes, the primary distinction lies in the payment status.

Design Psychology

  • Visual Hierarchy: On the home screen, the app puts the library creations and athletes with pending payments at the top. This makes them stand out and grabs coaches attention first, showing them the most important things to focus on.
  • Confirmation Bias: Showing athletes with pending payments on the home screen makes coaches feel like managing payments quickly is important, which is what they already believe.

Chat & Athletes Profile

  • Need to chat with your athletes? No problem. Coaching app lets you send messages, make calls, and share media files effortlessly. Plus, you can dive into their profiles, review personal and fitness info, and manage payments with just a few taps. Conversely, even athletes can chat with their coaches on athletes app.

Design Psychology

  1. Feedback Loop: By letting coaches report and remove athlete accounts when needed, it creates a system where problems can be fixed quickly. This helps keep the app's community safe and respectful. Coaches can address issues right away, which shows users that the app cares about their safety and wants to keep things good for everyone.

Community and Training Groups

  • On the Community page, coaches have the ability to establish communities and organize groups within them.
  • For instance, we showcase the Ironman Triathlon community, comprising three groups: swimming, bicycle ride, and running.
  • The sole divergence between the coach app screen and athlete screen is that, instead of an individual section, there's a chat option available.
Design Psychology
  1. Progressive Disclosure: First, we show coaches the option to create a community. Then, we let them create groups within it. This step-by-step approach helps coaches understand the feature better without feeling overwhelmed.

Creating Training Program (Group)

  • Whether you're crafting training programs or uploading content, Coaching app makes it simple and intuitive.
Design Psychology
  1. Ease of Use: Providing multiple sharing options makes it easy for coaches to distribute their training program invite link to potential participants. By offering familiar and convenient sharing channels, the app reduces friction and encourages coaches to take action without feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about how to proceed.

Select content & share

  • Thinking about building a community or creating training groups? It's a breeze. Pick a profile picture, give it a catchy name, and voila—you're ready to go. And when it comes to payments, the app keeps you in the loop with easy-to-check statuses and options for offline records.
  • Your profile page? It's your hub for everything personal, from contact details to coaching fields. And let's not forget about the library—your go-to for organizing and sharing all your content, from images to videos and documents.
Design Psychology
  1. Customization: Allowing coaches to add tags and select the library where they want to save the content promotes customization and personalization. Coaches can organize their content according to specific themes, topics, or audiences, making it easier for them to manage and locate relevant materials in the future.

Payment Screens

Design Psychology
  1. Choice Architecture: Payment options were organised logically and intuitively, such as arranging them in sequential order of payment status (pending, due soon, paid) and providing a dropdown menu for selecting payment method (offline, online). Clear and structured choices made it easier for coaches to navigate the payment process.


The Coaching app isn't just a tool; it's a transformational platform that simplifies and enhances the coaching experience for both coaches and athletes. By addressing common pain points like payment tracking and communication overload, we've created a solution that empowers coaches to focus on what they do best: guiding and inspiring their athletes.

The app is designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing. From the sign-up process to sharing content and creating groups, our goal is to ensure a seamless and pleasant experience for all users.

As we keep making changes and getting better, our main goal stays the same: to support coaches and athletes, helping them reach their dreams and be the best they can be.


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