August 2024

Virtual Jewelry Try-On: Transforming E-commerce Experiences

Virtual jewelry try-on app boosts user interaction and satisfaction, leading to a 75% increase in customer engagement.




Web and Mobile

Virtual Jewelry Try-On: Transforming E-commerce Experiences

Product Overview

  • Imagine shopping for jewelry online and feeling unsure if what you see will look good on you. This is a common problem for many people who shop for jewellery online. They can only try it on after buying, which leads to uncertainty and sometimes disappointment when the item arrives.
  • But now, there's RatnaAura! We saw this problem and decided to do something about it. Our goal was to make online jewellery shopping better for everyone.
  • The big challenge was figuring out how to let people try on jewellery online. We came up with a solution using a special technology called augmented reality. This lets you see how the jewellery looks on you, right from your phone.
  • With RatnaAura, you can try on jewellery virtually, so you know exactly how it will look before you buy it. No more guessing or worrying!
  • And we care about where our materials come from. We want to be responsible, so we share information about where our materials come from and how they're sourced.
  • Complex checkout processes cause frustration for users, leading them to abandon their carts and resulting in lost sales. Simplifying the checkout with fewer steps improves the shopping experience and reduces cart abandonment.
  • Additionally, ensuring easy navigation throughout the platform ensures users a smooth and enjoyable journey.
  • RatnaAura isn't just about shopping for jewellery online. It's about making it easier and more fun. We're changing the way people shop for jewellery, one click at a time.

The Approach

  • Our approach is rooted in understanding what the users truly want and need when it comes to trying on jewellery online.
  • Through insightful surveys, we've explored questions like whether the users have purchased jewellery online before, the challenges they've faced in doing so, and how crucial it is for them to virtually try on jewellery before making a purchase.
  • We've discovered that most of the users highly value the opportunity to try on jewellery virtually, particularly preferring augmented reality (AR) for its interactive appeal.
  • Moreover, their privacy concerns, especially regarding photo uploads for virtual try-ons, have been duly noted and are at the forefront of our considerations. With this understanding, we're committed to developing a seamless virtual try-on feature using AR technology, ensuring users' privacy is safeguarded every step of the way.
  • Additionally, we're dedicated to providing clear and comprehensive product information to aid in the decision-making process.
  • Our ultimate aim is to create an online jewellery shopping experience that's not only enjoyable but also empowers users to make confident choices with ease.



Login Screen

Design Psychology

In the Log In process, sliding screens were used to introduce users to the app's features step-by-step. This approach helped to avoid overwhelming users with too much information at once, keeping them interested and engaged. By showing brief and clear information in an attractive way, users were more likely to stay involved and complete the log-in process easily.

Home Screen

Product Listing Screen

Design Psychology

Choice Overload Mitigation: Filters or sorting options were implemented to help users narrow down their choices and reduce decision fatigue.

Grid Layout: Products were arranged in a grid layout for easy scanning and comparison, leveraging Gestalt principles like proximity and similarity.

Product Details Screen

Design Psychology

Visual Focus: By prominently displaying the product image, users get a clear and detailed view of the item, which helps in making a visual connection and evaluating the product’s appeal. Large, high-quality images also enhance trust and credibility.

Social Proof and Engagement: The share button encourages users to share the product with friends or on social media. This not only leverages social proof but also increases brand visibility and user engagement.

Ease of Use: By placing the "Add to Cart" button prominently on the screen, users can easily and quickly add the product to their cart. This simplifies the purchasing process and reduces friction, leading to higher conversion rates.

VR Screens

Design Psychology

Immersion: VR technology was utilized to provide users with an immersive experience, allowing them to visualize how the jewellery looked in real life.

Sense of Presence: Interactive features like 360-degree views or virtual try-ons were incorporated to make users feel like they were physically interacting with the product.


Home Screen

Design Psychology

In the "Customer Spotlight" section, the website displayed videos of happy customers. These videos showed real people talking about their positive experiences with the products. By using these videos, the website aimed to build trust and credibility. It showed potential customers that others had good experiences, which could help them feel more confident about buying something.

Product Listing Screen

Design Psychology

1. Grid Layout: Products were arranged in a grid layout, adhering to Gestalt principles such as proximity and similarity. This layout facilitated easy comparison among products, enabling users to quickly scan through options and make informed decisions.

2. Visual Engagement: The virtual try-on feature captures users' attention and encourages interaction with the products. By allowing users to visualize how the jewellery looks on themselves virtually, it enhances engagement and interest in the items.

Product Details Screen

Design Psychology

  1. Emotional Design: By providing comprehensive product details, the design aimed to evoke emotional connections with the product, influencing users' purchase decisions based on their emotional responses.
  2. Sense of Presence: The virtual try-on feature aimed to create a sense of presence, making users feel as though they were physically interacting with the product. This immersive experience can increase user engagement and confidence in their purchase.
  3. Social Proof: The inclusion of a reviews section leveraged social proof, allowing users to see others' experiences with the product. Positive reviews can enhance trust and credibility, while negative reviews can provide valuable insights for potential buyers.

Cart Screen

Design Psychology

In the pricing information displayed, transparency was maintained by providing clear and detailed breakdowns, including taxes and shipping costs. This ensured that users were informed upfront, avoiding surprises at checkout and fostering trust between users and the website.

Login screens

Design Psychology

In the Log In process, simplicity and minimalism were prioritised, with the log-in process being kept simple and streamlined with minimal form fields. This approach aimed to reduce friction and increase the likelihood of user engagement, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Delivery Screen

Design Psychology

In the Delivery Screen, users were provided with clear and concise information about delivery options, including estimated delivery times and any associated costs. This approach ensured that users' expectations were managed effectively, contributing to a smoother overall experience.

Virtual Reality (VR) Screens


In summary, RatnaAura's virtual jewellery try-on app improves online jewellery shopping. It helps people who struggle with not being able to try on jewellery before buying online. RatnaAura lets users try on jewellery virtually using their phone's camera. This way, they can see how it looks before they buy it. The app also cares about where its materials come from. It shares information about where they're sourced, making sure they're responsible.

Throughout the design process, RatnaAura listened to what users wanted. They used surveys to understand users' needs. They also used design tricks to make the app easy to use and trustworthy. For example, they made sure the log-in screens were simple, and they showed clear delivery information.

Additionally, RatnaAura also offers a desktop version of their website, providing users with a seamless experience across different devices.


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